Jie San Ai 解散愛 (Let's Break Up) Chinese PinYin & English Translation Lyrics 歌詞 ~ Jolin Tsai (蔡依林 - Cai Yilin)

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HanZi (漢字) & PinYin (拼音):
被问了整晚 你怎么不在 朋友难得狂欢
bei wen le zheng wan ni zen me bu zai peng you nan de kuang huan
我苦笑隐瞒 放任他们猜 不知情 不责怪
wo ku xiao ying man fang ren ta men cai bu zhi qing bu ze guai
热闹 散场 躲回安静的床
re nao san chang duo hui an jing de chuang
快窒息的心慌 没改善方法
kuai zhi xi de xin huang mei gai shan fang fa
不爱 你说分开都是 为我着想
bu ai ni shuo fen fai dou shi wei wo zhao xiang
用忽略 解散爱 太牵强
yong hu lue jie san ai tai qian qiang
世界被你 划成两个方向
shi jie bei ni hua cheng liang ge fang xiang
一边是我 一边是天堂
yi bian shi wo yi bian shi tian tang
要我更乐观 劝我再去爱 很像你 不意外
yao wo geng le guan quan wo zai qu ai hen xiang ni bu yi wai
这一种野蛮 名字叫关怀 别拿来 代替爱
zhe yi zhong ye man ming zi jiao guan huai bie na lai dai ti ai
清晨 阳光 晒不进我心房
qing chen yang guang sai bu jin wo xin fang
我比谁都好强 你太清楚了吧
wo bi shei dou hao qiang ni tai qing chu le ba
别爱 你说分开都是 为我着想
bie ai ni shuo fen kai dou shi wei wo zhao xiang
用自由 解散爱 太逞强
yong zi you jie san ai tai cheng qiang
遗忘让人 轻盈得能飞翔
yi wang rang ren qing ying de neng fei xiang
我不是你 想去的地方
wo bu shi ni xiang qu de di fang
爱越拉扯越疼痛 不再抢救
ai yue la ce yue teng tong bu zai qiang jiu
好聚好散 假装洒脱
hao ju hao san jia zhuang sa tuo
我们太善良 连自己 都骗不过
wo men tai shan liang lian zi ji dou pian bu guo
我爱 你说未来很长 一切难讲
wo ai ni shuo wei lai hen chang yi qie nan jiang
放弃了 解散爱 别勉强
fang qi le jie san ai bie mian qiang
我的幸福 你决定不在场
wo de xing fu ni jue ding bu zai chang
还是演不好 我的体谅
hai shi yan bu hao wo de ti liang
English Translation:
Was asked how do you not friends rare night revelry
I smile to conceal knowledge of laissez-faire guess they do not blame
Exciting finish at a quiet bed Duohui
Suffocate the flustered no improvement
Separation does not love you all for my sake
Ignore the dissolution of love with the far-fetched
The world is divided into two directions you
One side is my side of heaven
Advised me to go I am more optimistic about love like you do not accidentally
This kind of care do not bring brutal place called love
I am not into the early morning sun in heart
I am strong you better than anyone else too clear now
Do not love you all for my sake that separate
Free love is too uncompromising stand with the dissolution of
Forgotten people were able to fly light
I'm not where you want to go
Love will not save the more pull the more pain
Leave on free and easy to pretend
We are so good that you even lie, but
I love you all hard to say for a long
Love Do not reluctant to give up the dissolution of the
I am happy you decided not to present
I still play good understanding
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