The Most Anticipated MV Preview for The Era 跨時代 (Kua Shi Dai) ~ Jay Chou 周杰倫 (Zhou Jielun)



Here is the MV Preview of Jay Chou's most anticipated song, titled "The Era 跨時代 (Kua Shi Dai)" from the same album title "The Era 跨時代 (Kua Shi Dai)".

The MV (Music Video) is great. The setting is gothic and full of darkness side, like the evil underground world. In this MV, Jay Chou appeared as the Vampire Prince. There's also a choreography dance. It looks so cool. After saw this MV, I was very satisfied and there's only one sentence I can say: "Jay Chou is The Best !!!"

You can download this song here:

VIDEO : Download The Era (跨時代) MV (Music Video)
AUDIO : Download The Era (跨時代) MP3 (Music Audio)

ENJOY IT... :)


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5 Responses to "The Most Anticipated MV Preview for The Era 跨時代 (Kua Shi Dai) ~ Jay Chou 周杰倫 (Zhou Jielun)"

  1. akhirnya ketemu juga...thx a lot...

  2. wew ini yg MV kua shi dainya y??
    thanks bgt y
    gila gw nemu2 ey

  3. Yup...
    Kabarnya pembuatan MV ini menelan biaya 10 juta Yuan dan merupakan Chinese MV termahal yang pernah dibuat...

    So, Jay Chou emang keren abiz..!!!

  4. why the video link can't be used???

  5. Maybe this link has been removed..

    Try this:


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