Jay Chou, Gary Cao, and Ella Help Yao Yao for Her Upcoming Album

Otaku goddess and pop singer Yao Yao (real name: Guo Shu Yao) will soon release her upcoming album titled "Guo Shu Yao's First Self-Titled Album Honey", and work on latest album involved a star-studded lineup including Yao Yao's idol Jay Chou, whom agreed to pen an emotional song for her. In response to Jay's offering, the model/singer cried out, "Unbelievable!" With feelings similar to that of having a dream come true, Yao Yao replied, "I didn't think that on the first day of being a 20-year old that marks the end of my youth, that I would at last be given the best gift in becoming an adult."
The killer production team involved in penning songs for Yao Yao's self-titled album includes singers Gary Cao, S.H.E's Ella, as well as Jay Chou, and the top creativity team in the industry will also be at hand to help along in putting everything together.
The debut single "Honey" for the new album, which is a cover of a song originally sung by South Korean girl group KARA, continues the sweet bubble gum pop that started with her previous hit sing "Love's Hug". Pre-orders for the album will begin on August 5th, and first-day sales will start on August 21st. "Honey" recently premiered on broadcast radio yesterday on Hit FM.
宅男女神和流行歌手姚瑤(真實姓名:郭舒堯)即將推出她的新專輯名為“過輸姚明的第一同名專輯蜜”,和工作的最新專輯涉及明星雲集的陣容包括姚明,姚明的偶像周杰倫週筆一人同意為她情感的歌曲。在回應周杰倫的產品,該模型/歌手喊道:“難以置信!”隨著類似的感受有一個夢想成真,姚瑤說:“我並不認為在第一天是一個 20歲的馬克結束我的青年,我會在最後得到的最好的禮物成為一個成年人。“
在首張單曲“蜂蜜”新專輯,這是一個涵蓋唱的一首歌最初由韓國少女組卡拉,延續了甜美的泡泡糖流行的開始與她以前打唱“愛的擁抱”。預購的專輯將在8月5日開始,和第一天的銷售額將在8月21日開始。 “親愛的”,最近在廣播電台首播昨天命中外長。
在首張單曲“蜂蜜”新專輯,這是一個涵蓋唱的一首歌最初由韓國少女組卡拉,延續了甜美的泡泡糖流行的開始與她以前打唱“愛的擁抱”。預購的專輯將在8月5日開始,和第一天的銷售額將在8月21日開始。 “親愛的”,最近在廣播電台首播昨天命中外長。
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