Wang Lee Hom’s New Album "十八般武藝 (18 Martial Arts)" Delayed Till August 13th , 2010

Remember when Heartbeat was delayed for 3 months? No surprise here, even the Music Man himself said he was busy finishing the album last week on chat night. Leehom Wang’s new album 18 Martial Arts was scheduled for release on July 30th, but it has been pushed back to August 13th (for now), which is the same day when his movie "Love in Disguise" hits theaters. As a show of gratitude for the fans’ patience, his record company announced the preorder version will include an additional set of postcards from the movie.
Leehom visited Hitfm on the 28th to promote his album as the Hito star of August. The “18 Martial Arts” singer demonstrated the art of cooking by making sunny-side up eggs. Apparently, cooking is not one of the 18 arts he has mastered, as Chef Leehom was caught for his overly generous use of oil and soy sauce.
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