Xing Fu Bu Yuan 幸福不遠 (Happiness Is Not Far) Chinese PinYin & English Translation Lyrics ~ Yao Yao / 瑶瑶 (郭書瑤 - Guo Shuyao)


HanZi (漢字) & PinYin (拼音):

我們的歌曲 我聽了好幾十遍
wo men de ge qu wo ting le hao ji shi bian
我知道 你不會再出現
wo zhi dao ni bu hui zai chu xian
巷口的蛋糕店 一個人吃也很甜
xiang kou de dan gao dian yi ge ren chi ye hen tian
我相信 幸福離我不遠
wo xiang xin xing fu li wo bu yuan

别想了 怎么了 过去了 爱已不见了
bie xiang le zen me le guo qu le ai yi bu jian le
你走了 难过了 快乐呢 都已算了
ni zou le nan guo le kuai le ne d
应该很多人像我一样 隐藏每次心酸
ying gai hen duo ren xiang wo yi yang ying chang mei ci xin suan
jiao gei lao tian qu an pai

我的悸动 我的汹涌 没有人知道
wo de ji dong wo de xiong yong mei you ren zhi dao
你要不要我要不要 该放就放掉
ni yao bu yao wo yao buyao gai fang jiu fang diao
别再偷偷流泪 用微笑来承接
bie zai tou tou liu lei yong wei xiao lai cheng jie
幸福要靠时间 证明
xing fu yao kao shi jian zheng ming

面朝阳光 大步向前 一定会更好
mian chao yang guang da bu xiang qian yi ding hui geng hao
灰灰的云灰灰的天 等会就散了
hui hui de yun hui hui de tian deng hui jiu san liao
把你压进心底 腾空我的心里
ba ni ya jing xin de teng kong wo de xin li
wo cai you kan jian
hao de ren chu xian zai shen bian

熟悉的街道 我走了好几十遍
shu xi de jie dao wo zou le hao ji shi bian
我知道 你不会再出现
wo zhi dao ni bu hui zai chu xian
别再自怨自怜 总有可依靠的肩
bie zai zi yuan zi lian zong you ke yi kao de jian
我相信 幸福离我不远
wo xiang xin xing fu li wo bu yuan

别想了 怎么了 过去了 爱已不见了
bie xiang le zen me le guo qu le ai yi bu jian le
你走了 难过了 快乐呢 都已算了
ni zou le nan guo le kuai le ne dou yi suan le
应该我想很多人像我一样 不会说出不安
ying gai wo xiang hen duo ren xiang wo yi yanh bu hui shuo chu bu an
zai ren qun qian zhuang jian qiang

我的悸动 我的汹涌 没有人知道
wo de ji dong wo de xiong yong mei you ren zhi dao
你要不要我要不要 该放就放掉
ni yao bu yao wo yao buyao gai fang jiu fang diao
别再偷偷流泪 用微笑来承接
bie zai tou tou liu lei yong wei xiao lai cheng jie
幸福要靠时间 证明
xing fu yao kao shi jian zheng ming

面朝阳光 大步向前 一定会更好
mian chao yang guang da bu xiang qian yi ding hui geng hao
灰灰的云灰灰的天 等会就散了
hui hui de yun hui hui de tian deng hui jiu san liao
把你压进心底 腾空我的心里
ba ni ya jing xin di teng kong wo de xin li
wo cai you kan jian
hao de ren chu xian zai shen bian

English Translation:

I listened to several of our songs
I know you would not happen again
Head for the corner to eat cake too sweet a person
I believe that happiness away from me

Not even think about the love has not seen how it went
Sorry you walked a happy then have to forget
Should be more like me every sad Hide
To God to arrange

My throbbing of my raging No one knows
Do you want me to do out of the Fang Jiufang
Do not shed tears secretly to take over with a smile
Well that depends on time

Step forward facing the sun will be better
The dusty cloud is gray days and so on scattered
You press into the bottom of my heart my heart vacant
I just saw
Good people in side

I walked the familiar streets of several
I know you would not happen again
Do not pity there is always a shoulder to rely on
I believe that happiness away from me

Not even think about the love has not seen how it went
Sorry you walked a happy then have to forget
I think many like me will not tell the disturbed
Strong pre-installed in the crowd

My throbbing of my raging No one knows
Do you want me to do out of the Fang Jiufang
Do not shed tears secretly to take over with a smile
Well that depends on time

Step forward facing the sun will be better
The dusty cloud is gray days and so on scattered
You press into the bottom of my heart my heart vacant
I just saw
Good people in side


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