Lossless Music Collection 無損音樂集 (APE / FLAC) ~ Richie Ren 任賢齊 / 任贤齐 (Ren Xianqi)


Here is the complete albums of Richie Ren :

Studio Album 錄音室專輯

1. Ask Again (再問一次)
Released : 1990-06-01


2. Cold & Tender (冷漠與温柔)
Released : 1991-03-01

3. Fly To My Own Sky (飛向自己的天空)
Released : 1991-06-01

4. I Feel Good! (依靠)
Released : 1996-06-01

5. Heart Too Soft (心太軟)
Released : 1996-12-01

6. Soft Heart For Love (為了愛而心太軟)
Released : 1997-09-01

7. Hurt Badly (很受傷)
Released : 1997-12-01

8. Love Like Pacific Ocean (愛像太平洋)
Released : 1998-08-01

9. Desperate With Love (為愛走天涯)
Released : 2000-01-07

10. Angel Brother and Hunk (天使兄弟小白臉)
Released : 2000-12-05

11. A Flying Bird (飛鳥)
Released : 2001-09-14

12. One Richie (一個任賢齊)
Released : 2002-09-01

13. So Far So Close (兩極)
Released : 2004-12-31

14. Old Place (老地方)
Released : 2006-02-27

15. If Life's Goin' Without You (如果沒有你)
Released : 2007-04-26

16. Qi Dai R.S.V.P (齊待)
Released : 2009-04-27

17. Music Traveller (音樂旅行者)
Released : 2010-05-28

18. Daredevil Spirit (不信邪)
Released : 2011-12-02

Extended Plays (EP)

1. Hey Girl Look This Way (對面的女孩看過來)
Released : 1998-09-01

2. Care (著緊)
Released : 1999-08-01

3. A Little Snow (小雪)
Released : 2000-01-20

4. I'm A Rich Man (我是有錢人)
Released : 2002-02-06

Compilation Albums (精選輯)

1. Series Compilation & New Songs (認真精選輯)
Released : 1999-06-01

2. Featured Hong Kong Gold Decade Richie Rolling Stones (滾石香港黃金十年)
Released : 2003-04-28

3. The Years of Richie (情義)
Released : 2004-03-25

Other Works (其他工程)

1. Wanderer (流浪漢)
Released : 2000-08-01

2. A Wonderful Man (男人真幸福)
Released : 2003-04-15


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3 Responses to "Lossless Music Collection 無損音樂集 (APE / FLAC) ~ Richie Ren 任賢齊 / 任贤齐 (Ren Xianqi)"

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