The Best Song in Jay Chou's Newest Album "Capricorn"

In October 14, 2008, Jay Chou has released his 9th album "Capricorn". There are many cool songs (Pop, Ballad, Hip-Hop, Rap, etc...) in this album and I wanna know which one is the best. So, I made a poll in my blog about the best song in this album. The poll was run for a week and there were 218 voters that participated till the end.

Finally, here is the result:
1. 60 votes (27%) = Shuo Hao De Xing Fu Ne
2. 55 votes (25%) = Gei Wo Yi Shou Ge De Shi Jian
3. 46 votes (21%) = Dao Xiang
4. 13 votes ( 5%) = Hua Hai
5. 11 votes ( 5%) = Lan Ting Xu
6. 9 votes ( 4%) = Mo Shu Xian Sheng
7. 8 votes ( 3%) = Shi Guang Ji
8. 6 votes ( 2%) = Long Zhan Qi Shi
9. 4 votes ( 1%) = She Wu
10. 3 votes ( 1%) = Liu Lang Shi Ren & Qiao Ke Shu Shu

From this poll, then I know that the best song in Capricorn Album is "Shuo Hao De Xing Fu Ne (說好的幸福呢)". And the worst songs are Liu Lang Shi Ren (流浪詩人)" and "Qiao Ke Shu Shu (喬克叔叔)", because both of these songs got the same points.

Then, I get a conclusion that most of the worst songs are rap and fast songs. And the best songs are always slowly and ballad songs.

However, for me, I choose "Gei Wo Yi Shou Ge De Shi Jian (給我一首歌的時間)" as the best song and "Liu Lang Shi Ren (流浪詩人)" as the worst song in this album...

Keep working hard, Jay...!!! :)

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