The Best Suitable Girl for Jay Chou

Jay Chou's age is about 29 years old and he hasn't married yet. He has a lot of girlfriends, but who is the most suitable girl for him? So, I made a poll. The poll was running for a week and there were 60 voters. Here is the result:

1. Hebe Tian = 21 votes (35%)
2. Patty Hou = 15 votes (25%)
3. Jolin Tsai and BoA = 11 votes (18%)
4. Charlene Choi = 2 votes (3%)
5. Angela Chang = 0 votes (0%)

So, the best suitable girl for Jay Chou is Hebe Tian. Yup, I think she's so cute ^_^ and it's a great surprise if they'll marry the next year (2009).

Come on, Jay...!!!
加油... :)

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